Wojtyla Day


Wojtyla Day - April 12, 2025

Throughout his life, St. John Paul II, known as Karol Wojtyla (voy-tee-wa) before becoming pope, embraced finding the Lord in the beauty of creation and in adventure. Join us as we do the same!

Join Fr. Malucha this spring Wojtyla Day on a Marian pilgrimage to the National Shrine of our Lady of Champion in Champion, WI! This is the site of the first and only approved Marian apparition site in the United States. An overview of the day will be as follows:

7:45am - Parents drop off at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary

8:00am - Bus departs Seminary for Shrine

10:00am - Arrival at Shrine of Our Lady of Champion

11:00am - Holy Mass in the Shrine Chapel

Lunch - Participants to bring own bagged lunch

2:30pm - Bus departs Shrine for Seminary

4:30pm - Arrival and parents pick-up at Saint Francis de Sales Seminary

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Additional questions? Contact the Vocation Office at 414-747-6437.

© Archdiocese of Milwaukee Vocation Office | St. Francis de Sales Seminary | 3257 S. Lake Drive, St. Francis, WI 53235 | 414.747.6437
