Joseph PutzerJoseph Putzer

College Program - Sophomore

Parish: Holy Trinity, Kewaskum

Seminary: Immaculate Heart of Mary College Seminary

Birthday: January 24

Intercessor: St. Thomas Aquinas, St. John Vianney

Tell us your vocation story.

The first time I thought about being a priest was the morning of the day I would receive my first holy communion. I was seven, and the night before, I had had a dream that Mary told me I was going to be a priest one day. Ever since then, I had always had the idea that God was calling me to be a priest. However, by the time I was in high school, I had forgotten about the dream. A more intentional discernment of the priesthood began during my junior and senior years of high school. During that time, there was no big moment of God telling me to be his priest, but there was a constant draw to grow in holiness and to apply to seminary. Initial discernment certainly had its up and downs, however through it all God has shown and continues to show me that He is always in control. I applied to the seminary September of 2022 and was accepted in mid-November. I entered Immaculate Heart of Mary Seminary in July of 2023 and I continue to discern the priesthood to this day.

What is the greatest challenge facing a man considering the seminary?

The greatest challenge is first discerning God’s will, accepting it and ultimately following it.

What is your favorite Psalm verse and why?

One of my favorite Psalms is Psalm 16:1-2: Preserve me, O God, for in you I take refuge. I say to the Lord, “you are my lord; I have no good apart from you”. It is similar to a prayer that I pray often as a constant reminder of God’s providence and love for me.

What are your favorite activities outside of the seminary?

Some of my favorite activities outside of seminary are airsoft and paintballing, woodworking, crafting, and tennis.

Where do you like to go pray?

I like praying in the chapel, close to the tabernacle, and alone in my room.

Where do you do your best studying?

I do my best studying in a quiet and well-lit study room, preferably with a window.

Which saint should people ask to intercede for your vocation?

The two saints that I ask people to intercede for me are St. Thomas Aquinas and St. John Vianney.

© Archdiocese of Milwaukee Vocation Office | St. Francis de Sales Seminary | 3257 S. Lake Drive, St. Francis, WI 53235 | 414.747.6437
